Dear Participants of the Kenshukai for Generation I in Nihonmatsu 2006,

If you click the item below, you will see a PDF-slide file of the pictures taken during the Kenshukai and the following Nikko-trip.

(In order to open this PDF-file, you need either Adobe Acrobat (at least Ver. 5) oder Acrobat Reader. You can download the latter free at the following site: )

(Also, in order to open this file you need the password I told you via email [14 November 2006].
As the file is rather big, it might take a while till it fully appears. In that case, please be patient.)@

You can download/copy the file onto your own computer and extract individual pictures out of the slide show too.
I will place this file here till the end of December 2006.
I hope you can enjoy the pictures.


Kenshukai 2006