SHADE研 meeting schedule


■第6回 ミーティング

 今回はサンディエゴで行われている移民の子どもたちの放課後教室(Olga Vasquez氏主催 La Classe Magica)に焦点を当て、文献学習と訪問観察報告を行います。どうぞ奮ってご参加下さい。


 日時:2011年7月9日(土)  13:30-18:30 
 場所:立教大学 マキム第一、第二会議室

(1) “Olga Vasquez (2002) La Classe Magica. Routledge.” 検討会

報告:石本啓一郎(立教大学大学院文学研究科), 大網真奈美(同左), 棚橋愛(同左), イ・ユニ (立教大学文学部)


(2) LCM 訪問観察報告 石本啓一郎(立教大学大学院文学研究科)

Miwa Takeuchi (2004) OPEN-LAB REPORT 5: Report on University of California, San Diego & 5thDimension (5th D 訪問報告書)


●問い合わせ   石黒広昭(立教大学文学部)

■第5回 ミーティング

Two presenters who are concerned with the second language learning will present their original ideas based on each field research. Tateoka will talk on ‘the collaborative learning’ of her classroom. Theresa will talk her collaborative study with Fatima about the aboriginal students in Canada. Please join in the session. 

 Date: 2010 June, 26th 14:00ー18:00
 Place: Building 11th, Room A101, Rikkyo University, Ikebukuro
 Presenters: Yoko Tateoka (Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics, Waseda University)
 Theresa Y. Austin(University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

 Contents as fllows;

 (1) 「教室における協働の学びを創る」ということ

要旨: 「自分」と「ことば」と「他者」との関係性の中でことばの教室は成り立っている。教師がその場をどのように考えるかによって授業は変わるであろう。教室において協働の学びを創るとはどういうことかについて、自身の日本語教育における実践内容の変容を題材に話題提供したいと思う。

舘岡 洋子 (2010) 多様な価値づけのせめぎあいの場としての教室 : 授業のあり方を語り合う授業と教師の実践研究 早稲田大学大学院日本語教育研究科 (Tateoka, Yoko 2010 The classroom as a site of struggle concerning different ideas about learning) 

 (2)International Collaboration in Critical Assessment Practices - A Focus on Teachers of Second Language Learners
   Theresa Y. Austin
(University of Massachusetts Amherst)

 Abstract: How do we prepare teachers to assess underserved students in times of expanding use of standardized testing around the world? As students undoubtedly will need to participate in a world that requires literacies for a technology-mediated knowledge construction and consumption, how can teachers meet these demands as well as those imposed by standardized testing? This curriculum report and research examines (a) how teleconferencing in the education of pre-service and in service teachers afforded inquiry opportunities for them to take up critical stances to assess and be accountable for diverse second language learners (b) how evidence from their inquiry informed their practice in diverse educational settings to better address the interrelated cognitive, social, and emotional demands of learning a second language in content areas; (c) our lessons learned within and across complex political, social and cultural ecologies can be served through collaborations to productively shape opportunities to learn and true accountability to underserved learners.

Inquires: Hiroaki Ishiguro

■第4回 ミーティング

Date: 2010 March 2nd  13:30ー18:00
Place: Building 14th Room D063
1. Shin Maruyama (National Institute of Informatics (NII), the University of Tokyo, & Yamaha Music), Emergence of Musical Behavior: Learning the perception-action link and affordance in music practice.

The aim of this talk is to illustrate the roles that body movement and exploratory behavior play in the development of musical activity with reference to the theoretical framework of the ecological approach to perception and action. In particular, I focus on the perception-action link and the process of the perceptual learning in the context of music practice. To do so, first, by introducing some empirical findings from my own studies and interviews with highly skilled musicians, I demonstrate how the sense of bodily movement essentially contributes to finding the appropriate expression of music. Second, by showing observational data on parent-infant interactions during play together using miniature music instruments, I show how an infant actively learns to manipulate the instruments through her own exploratory behaviors as well as through the scaffolding offered by the parent. It seems that this type of learning activity, which is considered “perceptual learning” in Eleanor Gibson’s parlance, allows the infant to detect possible ways to manipulate the instrument. That is, perceptual learning leads the infant to learn about new possibilities for motor actions (i.e., “affordance” in James Gibson’s parlance) to produce sound with the instrument. Further, I point out that perceptual learning might also play a significant role in collective learning situations. To discuss this speculation, I shall introduce one more example showing how children practice the violin with a teacher and peers and especially focus on the learning process of physical and social skills to play it in a group activity. The examples that I will introduce all illustrate that learning about an intrinsic link between music and the physical (embodied) element should be a key for the development of musical behavior. Therefore, I believe that the concepts of the ecological approach (e.g., the perception-action link, exploratory behavior, and perceptual learning) offer new insight into the body-music matter and, by the same token, into music education research.

2. Tomomi Sakakibara(Tokyo Gakugei University), Children`s Mathematical Development in Preschool

Discussants :Pentti Hakkarainen (Oulu University)
         Milda Bredikyte ( Oulu University)

■第3回 ミーティング

日時:2010年1月31日(日)  10:30-16:30
場所:立教大学 11号館会議室

1) 10:30 – 12:00 安藤美穂子(立教大学大学院文学研究科)

ローチによって示しながら、「精神障害」をめぐる一般的な「回復」観に問いを投げかける。またライフストーリーの中での自己の変容が、個人のイデオロギー的生成ideological becoming(Freedman&Ball,2004)を意味し、それは個人の発達として捉えることが可能であることを示していく。

2)13:00 – 14:30藤野友紀(札幌学院大学人文学部)


3)14:40- 16:10
体験と描画―共在化過程の分析(2)KODOMOプロジェクト プレイショップ報告


■第2回 ミーティング


 開催日時:2009年5月17日(日)  13:00-18:00
 場所:立教大学  (参加人数確定後、参加者に連絡します)

1) 13:10-14:40 論文検討
Dore, J. (1995) The emergence of language from dialogue. In Mandelker, A. Bakhtin in Context: across the disciplines. Northwestern University Press.

2)14:50-16:20 展望
内容紹介:"Evolving explanations of development: ecological approach to organism-environment systems"内の論文を展望し、生態心理学の領域におけるコミュニケ-ションの発達を考える。

3)16:30-18:00  研究報告
要旨(仮): 本研究の目的は、ドラマプレイをとおして子どもの物語理解がどのように変化するのかを検討することである。それは、実際に身体を使って「演じる」「なる」ことが幼児の想像と理解の発達にとってどのような役割を果たしているのかを明らかにすることでもある。今回の報告では、『ないたあかおに』のドラマプレイを題材にする。5週間にわたる実践の中で、幼 児の感情移入の対象や、矛盾に対する理解の水準がどのように変化していった のかを、個別インタビューと参与観察の記録をもとに素描したい。  

■第1回 ミーティング


 場所:立教大学 (参加人数確定後、参加者に連絡します)

 スケジュール:10:30 – 18 :00

1) 10:30 – 10:40 今回の研究会主旨紹介と参加者紹介
2) 10:40 - 12:40
Duncan,R.M. & Tarulli,D. (2003) Play as the leading activity of the early period: insights from Vygotsky, Leont’ev, and Bakhtin. Early Education & Development, Vol.14 (3), 271-292.

Cohen,L. & Uhry, J (2007) Young children’s discourse strategies during block play: a Bakhtinian Approach. Journal of Research in Childhood of Education. 21,3, 302-315.

3)16:00-18:00  (都合により中止 次回の報告へ)
Dore, J. (1995) The emergence of language from dialogue. In Mandelker, A. Bakhtin in Context: across the disciplines. Northwestern University Press.
